I am privileged to be a human, and a person.

I am privileged to be alive and living.

I am privileged that I was born with an abled body and mind.

I am privileged to be free from serious diseases that would get in ways of my life.

I am privileged that I have been living in safe place(s) and not subject to immediate & serious environmental, physical, and emotional dangers (from wars and natural disasters to prosecution, discrimination, and family abuse).

I am privileged to afford basic human needs such as food and healthcare. Many people are barred from access due to their status (e.g. applying for refuge but not yet accepted), and many have access but could not afford the services.

I am privileged that I could make mistakes and have places networks to return to. I saw many people are disowned and disconnected with their support networks, even when they repent and show signs of changing for the better.

I am privileged that my family could provide for me financially and emotionally.

I am privileged to have friends that support me and communities that I belong to.

I am privileged to be able to travel to and study in foreign countries.

I am privileged to be in the position where people will listen to me and consider what I want to convey. Thank you for reading these writings.