A symmetric matrix with real entries is positive definite if

where is a quadratic form. We write


For unconstrained optimization, the main goal is to find local maxima. In a univariate, twice-differentiable function, the procedure is 1) find critical points by setting the gradient equal to zero and solving, then 2) perform a second derivative test to figure out the concavity of the function and categorize the critical points found.

For a complicated multivariate function that is twice-differentiable, the process is similar. Notice that when we use second-order Taylor polynomial to approximate the function , its quadratic term (last term) tells us about concavity, specifically through the Hessian matrix (a matrix of second derivatives). This quadratic term has the form .

Link to original

The quadratic term, when multiplying out the form , looks like a quadratic form . The Hessian matrix is the matrix in this form.

Transclude of quadratic-form#theorem

If the Hessian matrix is positive definite at a point , then the multivariate function is convex near  (i.e. has a local minimum near ). A simpler form of this point is second derivative test or second partial derivative test.


How to check for conditions

Assume is real-valued.

We can ALWAYS turn a square matrix into symmetric matrix.

Special case: 2x2 matrix

For a symmetric matrix

the conditions sufficient to guarantee positive definiteness of is and

This is the special case of Sylvester’s criterion, where and

Sylvester Criterion

Sylvester's criterion

The Sylvester’s criterion can be used to check whether a symmetric matrix is positive definite

A quadratic form ( symmetric matrix) is positive definite if the leading principal minors of are positive. Leading principal minors are the determinants of the top-left square submatrices of a given matrix Image credit: Princeton lecture



def is_positive_definite(A):
    """Apply Sylvester's Criterion to check if a matrix is positive definite. 
    - A: A symmetric matrix
    - True if the matrix is positive definite, False otherwise
    # Ensure matrix is symmetric
    if A.is_symmetric():
	    print(f"Matrix is not symmetric")
	    return False
    n = A.nrows()
    # Loop through submatrices
    for k in range(1, n+1):
        # Extract the top-left k x k submatrix
        submatrix = A[:k, :k]
        determinant = submatrix.det()
        # If any determinant is non-positive, the matrix is not positive definite
        if determinant <= 0:
            print(f"Submatrix {k}x{k}: \n{submatrix}\nDeterminant: {determinant}")
            return False
    return True
A = Matrix(QQ, [
    [4, 12, -16],
    [12, 37, -43],
    [-16, -43, 98]
Link to original


For a two-variable equation where is the quadratic form written as and is definite matrix, the eigenvectors are orthogonal along the major and minor axis of the ellipse in the implicit plot

x_vec = vector([x,y])
A = Matrix([[5, 2], [2, 2]])
vec1 = A.eigenvectors_right()[0][1][0]
vec2 = A.eigenvectors_right()[1][1][0]
f1 = x_vec * A * x_vec
a = 2
plot1 = implicit_plot(f1==1, (x, -a, a), (y, -a, a)) + arrow((0,0), vec1, color='red') + arrow((0,0), vec2, color='green')