Concept Notes
- Course 1 Week 1
- Course 1 Week 2
- Course 1 Week 3
- Course 2 Week 1
- Course 2 Week 2
- Course 2 Week 3
- Course 2 Week 4
- Course 3 Week 1
- Course 3 Week 2
- Course 3 Week 3
Course 1
Course 2
- Week 1: artificial neural network for Binary Classification with sigmoid function
- Week 2: artificial neural network for Multiclass Classification with softmax regression
- Week 3: evaluating Polynomial Regression with machine learning development process
- Week 4: decision tree from scratch
Course 3
- Week 1: Image compression with k-means
- Week 2: with neighborhood-based collaborative filtering
- Week 2: with content-based filtering
- Week 3: with reinforcement learning