backtracking line search is an inexact line search method that finds optimal step size by iteratively checking for the first Wolfe condition, sufficient decrease condition aka Armijo’s condition
Iteratively reduce the step size by multiplying
Notations: Armijo’s Condition Sufficient decrease condition
import numpy as np
def backtracking_line_search(f, grad_f, x_i, d, alpha=1.0, p=0.5, c=1e-4):
Backtracking line search algorithm to find the optimal step size alpha.
- f: Objective function
- grad_f: Gradient of the objective function
- x_i: Current point (numpy array)
- d: Descent direction (numpy array)
- alpha: Initial step size (default is 1.0)
- p: Scaling factor to reduce alpha (default is 0.5)
- c: Constant for the Armijo condition (default is 1e-4)
- alpha: Step size that satisfies the Armijo condition
while f(x_i + alpha * d) > f(x_i) + c * alpha *, d):
alpha *= p # Reduce alpha by factor p
return alpha
def f(x):
return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 # f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2
def grad_f(x):
return np.array([2*x[0], 2*x[1]]) # Gradient of f(x, y) = [2x, 2y]
x_i = np.array([2, 1])
d = -grad_f(x_i)
optimal_alpha = backtracking_line_search(f, grad_f, x_i, d)
print(f"Optimal alpha: {optimal_alpha}")