artificial neural network is a group of interconnected neuron that send information (from inputs to outputs).

(ML Specialization)



Multilayer perceptrons

Type of Layers (for 1 training example)

(ML Spec) (Notation) (More examples)

Dense Layer

The neuron of layer , denoted , is the result of all outputs from the previous layer , passed through an activation function


For , we just use the data (n features, m examples):

  1. 2nd neuron in layer 1 is denoted
  2. : number of neurons in the current layer
  3. : activation value
  4. : a vector of activation values
  5. : matrix of weights (strength of activation value )
  6. : vector of bias, deciding when to activate meaningfully the weighted sum of weights (image ⬇️). But actually, bias is a scalar-valued term that is repeated times to match the dimension of
  7. : activation function for layer (could be any learning algorithm, but some popular ones are ReLU, tanh)

Credit: 3Blue1Brown

It is called dense layer because the features input are now densely connected into the neurons. We cannot distinguish original neurons anymore.

Convolutional Layer

Each neuron looks only at PART of inputs from previous layer. See convolutional neural network


  • More efficient computation
  • Less prone to overfitting training set

Recurrent Layer

See recurrent neural network


Types of Neural Network

Based on number of hidden layers



Reference from machine learning development process

  1. Get data
  2. Build a neural network
    1. Type of Layers
    2. Number of neurons in different layers
    3. activation function
  3. Train a neural network
    1. Specify loss and, subsequently, cost function
    2. Select optimization techniques, such as ADAM optimzer
    3. Fit the model with training data
  4. Minimize the average cost across data using backpropagation: We take small steps in the direction of steepest descent