Concept Notes
Unit 1: Linear Systems
- linear system
- matrix algebra
- special matrices
- inverse matrix
- transpose
- determinant
- trace
Unit 2: Vector Space Structure
- scalar, vector, matrix, tensor
- vector space & subspace
- linear combination & span
- linearly dependent & linearly independent
- basis & dimension
- subspace
- norm
- orthogonal
- orthonormal
- orthonormal basis
- orthogonal complement
- orthogonal projections
- normal equation for linear regression
Unit 3: Transformations
- linear transformation
- change of basis
- eigenstuff
- Markov transition matrix
- diagonalization
- the Spectral Theorem
- Compiling all Sagemath code
- Minerva CS113 - Video
- Articles: Cliff Notes
- Book: Linear Algebra
- Book: Mathematics for Machine Learning
- Book: The Matrix Cookbook - Quick references
- 3Blue1Brown: Essence of Linear Algebra
- Computational Linear Algebra