Logistics (Fall 2024)
- Pre-requisites: Minerva CS113 Linear Algebra (Spring 2023), Minerva CS111 Single and Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2022)
- Syllabus
- Textbook: Kochenderfer, M. J., & Wheeler, T. A. (2019). Algorithms for optimization
- My collection of code: Github
Concept Notes
Unit 1 Introduction
- Session 1 What and Why to Optimize
Unit 2: Unconstrained optimization
Find the solution to the unconstrained problem
- Session 2 Taylor series and numerical approximation
- Session 3 Quadratic forms
- Session 4 Tests for Positive Definiteness
- Session 5 Bracketing
- Session 6 Introduction to descent
- Session 7 Gradient descent
- backtracking line search
- termination conditions for descent method
- gradient descent
- Session 8 Conjugate gradient
- Session 9 Momentum and Noisy Descent
- Session 10 Newton’s method
- Session 11 Unconstrained Review
- Most important review: positive definite, gradient descent
- Review constrained optimization
- Schur complement
Unit 3: Constrained Convex Optimization
Find the solution to the unconstrained problem
- Session 12 Equality Constraints with Lagrange Multipliers
- Session 13: Convex Sets, Cones, and Functions
- Session 14: Inequality Constraints: the KKT Conditions
- Session 15: Applying & Interpreting the KKT Conditions
- KKT conditions
- Pre-class Work (Explore tab), Main Workbook
- Session 16: Linear Programming
- Review convex optimization and convexity for PCW
- Review norm for class activity
- linear programming
- convex polyhedron
- Pre-class Work
- Main Workbook
- Q3 and Q5 has wrong signs:
- Q3 and Q5 has wrong signs:
- Session 17: Duality
- Session 18: Integer Programming
- Session 19: Mixed-Integer Programming
- Session 20: Quadratic Programming
- Session 21: LMIs
- Session 22: Semidefinite Programming
- Session 23: Newton’s Method with Linear Equality Constraints
- Session 24: Barrier Methods
- Session 25: Course synthesis