Growing list of things I want to do before I die. They are quite personal and different from the list of problems I want to contribute to in my life.

// Count all tasks in the current file
const tasks = dv.current().file.tasks;
// Count tasks by status
const allTasks = tasks.length;
const doneTasks = tasks.filter(task => task.status === "x").length;
const inProgressTasks = tasks.filter(task => task.status === "/").length;
// Calculate percentages
const donePercentage = allTasks > 0 ? (doneTasks / allTasks * 100).toFixed(2) : 0;
const inProgressPercentage = allTasks > 0 ? (inProgressTasks / allTasks * 100).toFixed(2) : 0;
// Display results
- Total: ${allTasks}
- Done: ${doneTasks} (${donePercentage}%)
- In-progress: ${inProgressTasks} (${inProgressPercentage}%)

Me and people around me

  1. Achieve financial independence for myself
  2. Achieve financial independence for my family
  3. Design my own nook (e.g. room in my parent’s house, apartment, house)
  4. Have a kid, or adopt one
  5. [/] Go full vegan. I’m a vegetarian/flexitarian since 2022
  6. Speak at a TED Talk, or in front of 100 people (outside academic context, cause otherwise I did this as a valedictorian at my primary school lol)

Widening my horizon: Books, Language, Travel

  1. Read the World: read at least one book set in each country. See Storygraph for progress
  2. Go on a trip overseas with my whole family
  3. Speak Mandarin fluently to talk to friends (at least HSK5)
  4. Learn conversational Spanish
  5. Learn enough French to reach French and African literature
  6. [/] Visit all continents (thanks to Minerva global rotation, I just need to go to Oceania and Antartica)
  7. [/] Live in 10 countries (at least 3 months to establish routine and local connections). 6/10
  8. Travel to 11 countries in Southeast Asia
  9. Do a week of retreat in nature, phone-free and distraction-free
  10. See northern light
  11. Volunteer 500 hours
  12. Donate 10% of my income for a year (see how it goes and extend later)

Pursuit of knowledge

  1. Finish PhD
  2. Return to Vietnam (or previous institutions) to teach
  3. Mentor underprivileged researchers (after I become a good researcher…)
  4. Start a scholarship for young kids
  5. Run (or rerun) an educational NGO for more than 2 years


  1. Become a core contributor or maintainer of an open-source project
  2. Code a project in Rust

Out of comfort zone: Sports, Personal security

  1. Learn skiing
  2. Learn skateboarding
  3. Learn dancing and perform in front of at least 10 people
  4. Run a half marathon
  5. Invite a stranger over (couchsurfing)
  6. Do bungee jumping once
  7. Do scuba diving once