content-based filtering is an approach to recommender system that recommends items to you based on features of you as a user and item.

or find similar items to item by minimizing squared L2 norm of their distance

a vector of features of user
a vector of features of item
or a vector of values calculated from (i.e. values of user features)
or a vector of values calculated from


Picking features

To speed up the response time of your recommendation system, you can pre-compute the vectors for all the items you might recommend (Retrieval). This can be done even before a user logs in to your website and even before you know the or


  1. Generate a large list of plausible item candidates, e.g.:
    • for each of the most 10 recent movies, find 10 similar movies
    • for most viewed 3 genres, find the top 10 movies
    • top 20 movies in the country
  2. Combine retrieved items in list, removing duplicates or past items


  1. Take list retrieved and rank using learned model
  2. Display ranked items to users


(Neural Network Architecture 0:30 - 3:50)

Neural networks for users’ features and items’ features can be combined into a SINGLE artificial neural network, as long as the structure for the last layer is the same

Cost function

When there’s user rating for item (), the cost function is calculated as

The cost can include artificial neural network regularization term to reduce the value of parameters
