(StatQuest) (ML Specialization) (Lab) (ML Specialization)

Using the idea of regression, draw a best-fit plane to predict a response variable using several features (predictors):

  • : estimated/predicted response variable
  • vector : weight or parameters of the model
  • vector : features
  • : bias (unexplained by the model)
  • : dot product

Regression coefficient VS Beta weights

A regression coefficient in multiple regression is the slope of the linear relationship between the dependent variable and the part of a predictor variable that is independent of all other predictor variables. It’s called partial slope It is difficult to compare the coefficients for different variables directly because they are measured on different scales. We can standardize variables so that they each have a standard deviation of 1. A regression weight for standardized variables is called a “beta weight” . It represents the change in standard deviations in the dependent variable associated with one standard deviation change on the predictor, if other predictors are held constant.


  1. Check assumptions
  2. feature scaling
  3. Compute loss and cost functions
  4. Construct a best-fit line using gradient descent (regularization if needed)
  5. Calculate adjusted R-squared
  6. Calculate p-value

Loss and cost functions

mean squared error

The loss function used in regression is called mean squared error


Incorporating that loss function into the cost function :

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Gradient descent

gradient descent for multiple variables:

where, is the number of features, parameters , , are updated simultaneously and where

  • m is the number of training examples in the data set
  • is the model’s prediction, while is the target value

Regularized linear regression


After add regularization to cost function, we implement new gradient descent:

The regularized part decreases each iteration by a little bit.

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